Friday, January 18, 2013

Southern Family Aid | An Introduction to Shaun O'Connell

Shaun O'Connell is a dedicated advocate in pursuit of [much needed and anticipated] reform within our judicial (family/ civil) system; A "system" that remains:

🔹clogged with both frivolous &/or vexatious applications;
🔹Cases unnecessarily delayed due to poor management of time-tabling
🔹 Cases lacking evidence,
🔹 ICOs likewise being "used" to stall time while cases are built against parent(s)
🔹Local Authorities and supporting agencies lacking alternative (and) effective remedies,
🔹 Lack of compliance without appropriate consequences
🔹A cloak & dagger approach to family proceedings as many cases slip through the cracks of time, maladministration, & misfeasance then proceed to be buried beneath a veil of secrecy.

Working diligently, to assist parents in their own personal battle(s) against councils and other Local Authority agencies around the country, Shaun volunteers his assistance under, Southern Family Aid.

As a parent, exposed to England's draconian practices, he found himself powerless in the Courts: Furthermore, he was more so powerless a a Father with marginal "rights".

He has links to Fathers4Justice (original) and continued on his plight for "justice" and equality, long after his case had exhausted possible channels to challenge the court rulings against him (as a Father)
- see his appeal in case :
Re O’Connell and others 22nd June [2005] EWCA Civ 759

Now, in 2013 he carries a wealth of knowledge and first-hand experience in the High / Appellant Court(s).

In a Nationwide, epic campaign for transparency, accountability and equality in our Family Courts, he is along side many, who share the same passion(s) against the INjustices which occur daily.

He has stumbled down the same kafkaesque pathway, as many unwitting parents alike. And I am proud to stand alongside Shaun - seeking and researching reform in our current policies and procedures, in hope that changes in legislation ARE possible (and not just a pipe-dream) in an otherwise

You can visit Southern Family Aid by clicking on the hyper-link below:

(If you are unable to connect to Shaun's site directly, you can also manually enter the URL in your browser's address bar)

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