Friday, September 28, 2012

Are Children-in-Need a Commodity

International Adoption Guide | Blog | Views | Children-in-Need a Commodity?

It seems that there is nothing as controversial as inter-country adoption.
I have been in this world for over 8 years now - as an adoptive parent, creator of adoption support group, as advocate. I have read everything I can get my hands on, spoken to hundreds of adoptive parents and dozens of adoptees, attended lectures, organised conferences etc., etc. and even now, I am still discovering the subtleties of international adoption.
And I have spoken many times to the media - and this is what I find so interesting, "Hello I wonder if you can help me - I have been asked to write this article about international adoption for Friday and I want to know...."
2 days of research and then these 'journalists' think that they know everything.
The most popular and again latest comment, is that children in need are purely a commodity for desperate infertile couples. And, "Those who disagree, should ask themselves, why they are not willing to give the money they would spend on that child, to the community the child comes from. The impact on that child, and many others in their community, would be far greater than removing them from their community and adopting the child."
I love these ridiculous, grand, ignorant statements. How much money I wonder will be equivalent to the loving and nurturing of a child? How much does it cost to take a child who has no future and give them a chance to have a normal life? Why is it always about money and never about love? I would like to see an article about international adoption that talks purely about love. The love it takes to relinquish a child, the love a child needs to give to make them human, the love an adult has to bring up someone else's child. Now that is a story.

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